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the wednesday market

the wednesday market was a temporary market in the city centre of Eindhoven.

with a simple table and a few chairs, the usually ignored central square transformed into a place to connect with people, to share and to listen.

the market was initated out of a desire to
connect with the public and share the tools gathered through out my practice.

This was not a selling market, it was a community market. Simply a place of sharing. 

People would sit with me and talk, often initally confused as to what I was doing. I would offer them a Quest or a Question. I used this format as a way to translate the incites I have gathered into more simple, understandable actions. 

The tasks and questions prompted interesting stories, and discussions on topics on theme of discomfort and habit. 

The market repeated each Wednedsay, getting gradually bigger each time. A community of regular visitors developed, until week 4, when the police arrived and told me to close the market
